Traveling Educational Exhibit
"Beauty and The Beast: California Wildflowers and Climate Change" Travels Throughout California

The original exhibit opened in 2016 at the Jewett Gallery, San Francisco Public Library with 100 images.
It is a stunning exhibit featuring the breathtaking photography of Rob Badger and Nita Winter, along with accompanying panels that challenge visitors to help protect our natural wonders... The exhibit is beautiful and inspiring, calming but urgent. It is a true labor of love dedicated to celebrating and protecting our beautiful planet.
~ Dr. Amy Ellison, Exhibition Curator, Los Altos History Museum
Our traveling, educational exhibit "Beauty and The Beast: California Wildflowers and Climate Change" features over 50 images (up to four feet wide) of wildflower portraits and floral landscapes, that include desert superblooms. Large text panels provide information about climate change, species extinction, land conservation, "citizen science," calls-to-action and more. A large, colorful map of the state's diverse botanical regions and a description of each was co-created with the California Native Plant Society.

Over 50,000 visitors across the state have seen the exhibit to date. Visitors to the state's California Museum, in Sacramento, gave it a "five-star" rating.
Open now:
Beauty and the Beast: California Wildflowers and Climate Change
Sutter Museum, Yuba City October thru November 20, 2022
We are sad to say after a year and a half our exhibit California Blooming: Wildflowers and Climate Change in the Golden State at San Diego Natural History Museum has been taken down.

Book Passage, (28 images in bookstore classroom), Corte Madera November 2023 thru January 2024
Artist Reception: Saturday, November 11th
3 - 4:30 PM Short talk at 3:30 PM 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera
Marin Community Foundation, Novato February - early May, 2024 (Visits by appointment: contact photographers about tours)
Shasta Historical Society, Redding June thru July 2024
Past locations:
San Francisco Main Library (original exhibit), San Francisco CA January - March 2016; San Bernadino County Museum, Redlands CA June - September 2017; The California Museum, Sacramento CA Oct 23 - Jan 2018; Grace Hudson Museum, Ukiah CA Feb 10 - June 3, 2018; Gateway Science Museum, Chico May 27, 2018 - November 24, 2019; Fullerton Arboretum, Fullerton CA Sept - Oct 2018; Hi-Desert Nature Museum, Yucca Valley CA Jan - March 10, 2019; The Bay Model, Sausalito CA April - May 2019; Museum of the San Ramon Valley, Danville Jan - March 2020, Los Altos History Museum, Los Alto CA March 6 - July 11, 2021, La Quinta Museum, La Quinta CA August 31 - November 13, 2021 , Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, San Francisco December 19, 2021 – August 14, 2022, Morro Bay Natural History Museum, Morro Bay, CA March 19 – September 17, 2023